Pre-owned & Demo

Pre-owned flutes are instruments that have been previously-owned by a customer.

Demo flutes are instruments never previously-owned that have been utilized as demo flutes at trade shows or events by Muramatsu America.

Year of Manufacture
EX-III 87488 Demo Open hole, B foot, E mechanism, offset G 2020
PTP 83178 Demo Platinum-clad, open hole, heavy wall, C# trill, inline G 2013
DS 85648 Demo Open hole, heavy wall, B foot, E mechanism, inline G 2015



Model Production Description
Standard pre 1981 Solid Silver
AD 1981-2003 Solid Silver
DN pre 1981-2003 Solid Silver, no adjustment screws
DS current (from 2003) Solid Silver
EX current Solid Silver Head, Silver-Clad (plated) Body and Keys
GX current Solid Silver Head and Body, Silver-Clad (plated) Keys
SR current Solid Silver with Soldered Tone-holes
PTP current Solid Silver with Platinum-Cladding (plated)